Editing the Continue Reading link in wp-json response

January 13, 2023

While tinkering with my new site, I wanted to learn about styling in Gatsby, which led my to TailwindCSS. Still just dipping my toes in, but the first thing I noticed was that using the gatsby-wordpress-source plugin and starter template, I’m stuck with the HTML that WordPress is outputting via wp-json, which is behind the GraphQL plugin for Gatsby.

Digging around, I found that the output format for the Continue Reading link is being set by the default themes included in WordPress under the template-functions.php. Adding my TailwindCSS class there updated the styling on the site. Next test should be to see what happens if I delete the theme, does WordPress have a fallback for the formatting? I need a lot more practice to figure it all out, but moving on since I can still set custom CSS rules to compensate if I can’t edit the HTML.


To learn something new, I've put together this site using Gatsby with WordPress and GraphQL, along with a server-side GTM configuration for a first party analytics ecosystem.


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